Preparing for the 2020 lactation
With most Irish dairy herds calving in the months of February and March, now is a very important time to apply some key practices that will...
Agritech return to Winter Fair 2019
The Agritech team are delighted to return to the 2019 Royal Ulster Winter Fair on Thursday 12th December at the Eikon Exhibition Centre, Balmoral...
Agritech to host Winter Animal Health Open Day
Agritech will host a Winter Animal Health Open Day on Wednesday, October 30th on the farm of Donal Sweeney, Ballygarvan, Co. Cork, T12 F61V. The...
Building Silage Stocks
With increased levels of grass growth on many farms at present, this will give an opportunity for surplus grass to be cut as autumn grass silage....
Maximise the return from your autumn reseed
Grass is still the easiest crop to grow in Ireland and gives substantial benefits year after year in Irish conditions, with yields of 20 tonne DM/ha...
GroQuik key to increasing herbage output
Increased stocking rates particularly on dairy farms has meant that herbage output is more critical now than ever before. The recent Teagasc...
Overseeding to rejuvenate swards
Now is the time of year that grass quality is the most difficult to manage. However, those who make swift management decisions at this stage will be...
Making quality silage in Co. Tipperary
One of the biggest challenges facing Irish farmers is being able to feed stock in a way that will give the biggest return on investment. As a...
Reseeding – Deciding which approach works best
Reseeding is an expensive investment which can deliver excellent returns. When we decide to reseed a field, it is natural to want to get something...
Silage Preservation: Time to get serious about quality
Grass silage is expensive to produce and when a land charge is factored in, first cut silage is now costing in the region of €300 per acre to grow...
Watch out for pneumonia in calves
Although temperatures are beginning to rise, calves are still at risk of contracting pneumonia. Take a look at some of the common causes as well as...
Don’t put off reseeding plan preparations
Now is an appropriate time to put a plan in place and identify fields that should be targeted for reseeding. Grass is the cheapest way to feed...