Located just outside Kilfeacle, Co. Tipperary, Michael Farrell is milking a 200 Holstein Friesian spring calving herd.

According to Michael, a dry, clean and hygienic lying area is critical in order to reduce the risk of disease-causing bacteria and the threat of mastitis on his farm. To promote a hygienic environment, Michael’s cows are housed in a well-ventilated shed, with access to ad-lib silage and clean fresh water. Adequate lying space and feed space per cow is also provided. Cubicles are scraped numerous times a day with an automatic scraper, and Agritech’s high-quality bedding conditioner, Sanitise, is applied using a VINK Applicator.

Prior to using Sanitise, Michael tried other products such as sawdust cubicle bedding, which caused irritation within his herd, especially in the milking parlour. Michael was first introduced to Agritech’s Sanitise Bedding Conditioner in October 2018 and has been very happy with the results achieved on farm ever since. 

According to Michael’s local Agritech Sales Representative, Kevin Quish, “Michael is a perfect example of a farmer who has seen the benefits of using a high-quality bedding conditioner like Sanitise.

Key to this is Michael’s cubicle hygiene programme. On Michael’s farm, Sanitise is not used as a substitute for good hygiene practices; they go hand in hand in order to achieve a clean dry lying area and reduce the risk of disease in his herd.”     

Watch Michael’s cubicle hygiene results below:

For further cubicle hygiene advice or to find out more about our Sanitise Bedding Conditioner, click here or contact your local distributor.