by Agritech | 17th Jul 2019 | Blog, News
Increased stocking rates particularly on dairy farms has meant that herbage output is more critical now than ever before. The recent Teagasc...
by Agritech | 18th Jun 2019 | Blog, News
Now is the time of year that grass quality is the most difficult to manage. However, those who make swift management decisions at this stage will be...
by Agritech | 7th Jun 2019 | Blog, News
One of the biggest challenges facing Irish farmers is being able to feed stock in a way that will give the biggest return on investment. As a...
by Agritech | 20th May 2019 | Blog, News
Reseeding is an expensive investment which can deliver excellent returns. When we decide to reseed a field, it is natural to want to get something...
by Agritech | 24th Apr 2019 | Blog, News
Grass silage is expensive to produce and when a land charge is factored in, first cut silage is now costing in the region of €300 per acre to grow...
by Agritech | 19th Apr 2019 | Blog, News
Although temperatures are beginning to rise, calves are still at risk of contracting pneumonia. Take a look at some of the common causes as well as...
by Agritech | 15th Feb 2019 | Blog, News
The modern dairy cow is genetically programmed to produce high levels of milk post calving, however her capacity to increase dietary intakes in line...
by Agritech | 16th Jan 2019 | Blog, News
As we await the arrival of an ever superior generation of calves over the coming months, it is now worthwhile to take a closer look at young calf...
by Agritech | 19th Dec 2018 | Blog, News
Planning ahead is the key ingredient for success. Below we outline a number of key tasks that farmers must address to ensure that they are ready for...
by Agritech | 3rd Dec 2018 | Blog, News
As we approach Christmas and the days shorten, the majority of stock are now housed for the winter months to allow grass pastures to rest...
by Agritech | 11th Oct 2018 | Blog, News
It is safe to say that 2018 will go down as one of the most challenging years for farmers across the country. Thankfully, we have reached a point...
by Agritech | 20th Feb 2018 | Featured, News
The three weeks before and after calving are the most critical period in the production cycle of the dairy cow. The modern dairy cow is genetically...