Weighing up stocks
It’s vitally important that the next generation of milking cows don’t fall between two stools in the quieter part of the year. Now that breeding...
Maintaining calf performance at grass
Pre-weaning the overall aim was to have doubled our calves birth weight at the point of weaning, and to be ~100 kg at 11-12 weeks before being...
Summer Management
After a tumultuous start to the grazing season, the focus regarding nutrition at this point in the year should be simply centred around always...
2024’s wet start has refocused the mind
After an incredibly wet spring, with grazing being more off than on during March, the significance of having a reserve of available, high quality...
Rumen Development – Developing calves from the inside out
As newborn calves are born with undeveloped rumens, the main objective over the next few weeks and months is to implement an early feeding strategy...
Preparing your herd for Spring 2024
The efficiency of a grass-based system is hugely influenced by calving pattern, necessitating excellent reproductive performance in a short-breeding...
Quality colostrum is key for calves
Calves that receive a sufficient level of high quality, clean, fresh colostrum have proven to be 24 times less likely to suffer from a scour-related...
Calf Rearing Q&A
The importance of the first few hours of a calf’s life and the long-term implications for the newborn animal cannot be underestimated. Our Head of...
The arrival of the next generation of milking cows
The onset of spring brings with it the influx of the next generation of milking cows in our herds. Calves born over the next few weeks will calve...
Planning for Spring 2024
With many cows dried off this month, the focus in most yards is on correct dry cow management. However, we must consider nutrition plans for cows...
Selecting a calf milk replacer
The management of calves in the first few weeks of life has a significant impact on their lifetime production, and with replacement heifers, impact...
Metabolic Disorders: Why Prevention Beats Cure
Prevention of metabolic disorders next spring will hinge around management decisions that will be made in the coming weeks. When costs associated...