
The recent release of the Recommended List and the Pasture Profit Index (PPI) of grass varieties for 2018 shows a change in the order of merit of the top late varieties. AberPlentiful now holds the pole position on the list having increased its total value by €36 to €203 in 2018. AberPlentiful is a late tetraploid with very good growth characteristics, especially spring growth where it is also the highest in its category. AberBite is listed on the Recommended List for the first time this year. It will be a highly sought after variety as it features excellent grass quality characteristics and it is the No 1 Late Variety for silage.

Both AberPlentiful and AberBite are available from Agritech’s Tipperary Grass Seed Range this year. Commenting on the news, Agritech’s Sales Director, John Kenny stated “Tipperary grass mixtures have built an excellent reputation with farmers throughout the country for delivering quality, yield, persistence and especially animal performance. This latest ratification further enhances the reputation of our range of grass mixtures”.

With a two-year reseeding backlog on most farms, farmers will now be taking every opportunity to carry out reseeding this spring. Agritech’s advice is to choose a mix of grass seed that will improve animal performance, increase forage yield, be easily managed and have good persistency.

For any further advice on spring reseeding or to choose a suitable grass mixture from the Tipperary Range, contact your local Agritech distributor.