The importance of colostrum management protocol cannot be over-emphasised, as many scour-related issues on farm directly correlate to insufficient passive transfer.
Feeding colostrum on farm
The ‘3-2-1 Rule’ is worth recalling at this time of year:
- Offer milk from the dam’s first milking.
- Within the first two hours of birth.
- Offer at least three litres (10% of birthweight).
Typically, there’s sizeable variation in colostrum quality within a herd, with Teagasc research showing that approximately 20% of a herd may have poor quality colostrum, i.e., insufficient antibodies for the calf. Many farmers have started to test colostrum quality using a refractometer to ensure calves are receiving a high-quality first feed, with the threshold of a Brix value > 22% being the quality standard.
Pooling colostrum is regularly practised on farm due to labour constraints. However, combining colostrum from several cows increases the risk of disease spread (e.g., Johnes), reduces passive transfer and dilutes high-quality colostrum. Therefore, aim to offer calves a ‘one-dam-to-one’ calf system to avoid such issues occurring.
It is also important to remember that the calf’s first opportunity to get an infection is through its navel or mouth. Therefore teats, the underbelly of the cow and contact with the calving pen bedding can become a source of infection for a new-born calf. Prolonged time spent in the calving areas is frequently a key issue with disease transfer in herds.

Recent survey results from Moorepark of 48 commerical farms highlighted that stomach tubes and bottles with teats had the greatest quantity of bacteria present.
High levels of hygiene are required when collecting, feeding and storing colostrum with research indicating that clean (no dirt contamination) colostrum allows for increased antibody absorption. Bacterial contamination competes with antibodies at gut level, resulting in reduced passive transfer.
Recent survey results from Moorepark of 48 commerical farms highlighted that stomach tubes and bottles with teats had the greatest quantity of bacteria present.
Excess colostrum can be stored in a fridge at 4°C. However, bacteria will still grow so it can only be refrigerated safely for 24-48 hours. It is an all-too-common sight to see buckets of colostrum in the parlour/dairy, where ambient conditions arise, bacterial counts can double every 20 minutes.
For more information and advice, contact your local Agritech Sales Advisor here.