Tipperary Grass Seed

Our Tipperary Grass Seed brand is a market leader throughout Ireland with our flagship grass seed mixture ‘No 4A’ used in every county in Ireland. Our agricultural grass seed range has long enjoyed a reputation for mixtures of high digestibility, yield, and longevity, and the preference with Irish farmers.

GroQuik ® Dressed
The application of our unique GroQuik ® dressing to all of our grass seed and clover mixtures helps to ensure optimal germination, establishment, and increased yield in new grass leys.

View Tipperary Grass Seed Brochure 

Tipperary Grass No 4ATipperary-bag_4A

Our flagship premium mixture is specially formulated to produce high-yielding leafy pasture for long-term intensive grazing and high-quality silage. Tipperary 4A has been refined over many years to now become a market leader playing a key role on grassland farms today ensuring that the maximum return is achieved from grass leys. It successfully encompasses all of the key traits required in a grass seed mixture for the modern grassland farmer.

  • Proven reputation and expertise.
  • GroQuik® dressed for enhanced germination and dry matter yield.
  • Higher animal performance – increased milk, milk solids, and live-weight production.
  • Increased herbage yield.
  • Excellent digestibility.
  • Longer lasting with excellent persistency.
  • Higher palatable swards with higher animal intakes.
  • Contains 1kg of clover for increased nitrogen efficiency and herbage output.
  • Lower residuals post grazing.
  • Quick recovery after grazing/cutting.
  • Also, suitable for high D value silage.
  • Selection of the best available varieties on the market based on research trials.

Tipperary Grass No 4Tipperary-bag_4

A grazing mixture designed with the option of a late cut of silage delivering quality, yield and persistency for all-round performance.

  • Comprised of late heading perennial ryegrass.
  • High dry matter digestibility.
  • Productive swards in spring and autumn.
  • High performance in both cutting and grazing regimes.
  • Clover performs well in both regimes.
  • Good sward density.
  • Option of similar mixture without clover, 4XC.
  • Suitable for cattle or sheep.


Tipperary Grass No 3ATipperary-bag_3A

This 2-cut silage mixture has a tall erect growth habit to give a cleaner and better crop at cutting.

  • Producing a high quality and high energy crop.
  • Contains intermediate and late heading varieties.
  • High sugar content to aid fermentation.
  • Formulated with varieties for high digestibility and yield for silage.
  • Cutting date from mid-May to optimise quality and yield.
  • Excellent persistency and sward density.
  • Produces high-quality grazing for cattle and sheep.
  • Also available without clover.


Tipperary Grass No 3 – No Clover Tipperary-bag_3

This general purpose ley is suitable for less demanding farming systems looking for good grazing and the potential to produce good quality silage.

  • A versatile multi-purpose long-term mixture suitable for grazing and/or cutting.
  • Produces high-quality silage yields from mid-May onwards suitable for hay cutting later in June.
  • A mixture of late and intermediate varieties, selected for excellent seasonal distribution of yield and increased palatability.
  • Excellent mid-season and late growth maintaining good summer production and extended autumn grazing.
  • Ideal mixture suitable for cattle or sheep.



Tipperary Grass No 5 – High Protein Silage Tipperary-bag_5

A hybrid mixture suitable for intensive cutting or grazing giving excellent spring growth and high total annual yields. This mixture is a short-term mixture of 3-5 years with the option of inclusion of red or white clover.

  • Early grazing.
  • Ideal for zero grazing.
  • Shorter grazing rotation.
  • Very high yields in comparison to perennial leys.
  • High digestibility.
  • Inclusion of red clover:
    • Extra protein, 15-20% from red clover.
    • Reduces N fertiliser.
    • Nitrogen fixation.
    • Improves soil fertility.
    • Improves soil structure.
  • Suitable as an overseeding mixture to maintain production and extend life of the sward.
  • Particularly suited to overseeding a cutting sward but optional with grazing.


Tipperary Grass Rejuvenation MixtureTipperary-bag_Blank

A specially formulated mixture of late tetraploid perennial ryegrass to extend the life of an existing sward, whilst maintaining the productivity of yield and quality.

Overseeding can improve an existing sward with the addition of a new seed without the cost of a full reseed. The inclusion of a larger late tetraploid seed allows it to establish and compete with the existing sward.

Sowing rate 10kg/ac.
GroQuik® dressed for faster germination.


Tipperary Grass Multispecies Mixture

In recent years, multi-species swards have become increasingly popular amongst farmers in Ireland due to their ability to produce high yields of quality forage, with greatly reduced rates of nitrogen Tipperary-bag_Blank fertiliser compared to ryegrass-only swards.

The use of multi-species swards compared to grass only swards can also provide a wide range of environmental and ecological benefits:

  • Plantain and chicory act at different levels to avoid losses of nitrogen on the farm: reduced leaching, better N use by livestock, and fewer emissions from urine patches.
  • Higher rates of carbon sequestration due to deeper root depths.
  • They are also very beneficial for biodiversity and in particular pollinators who feed on the flowering plants in multi-species swards.




Tipperary Grass Horse GrazingTipperary-bag_Blank

An equine mixture formulated to cater to diverse needs provides nutritious, persistent, and palatable pastures.

  • Suitable for hay, haylage, or as a grazing mixture.
  • Minimal poaching damage due to the inclusion of strong creeping red fescue, smooth stalked meadow grass, and dwarf perennial ryegrass.



For further information about our Tipperary Grass Seed mixtures, contact your local sales advisor.

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